If you would have told me 4 months ago that I would have thoroughly enjoyed vegan + plant based ice cream, I would have:
- Called the police.
- Given you a stank face.
- Told you to get out of my face with that nonsense.
- All of the above, in that exact order.
The ice cream is made from cashew milk, so all you lactose intolerant people who refuse to comply + buy lactaid pills, you're in luck! The nostrils of the people you love are also in luck!

I think my new thing is going to be trying ice cream wherever I travel. I'm on the prowl for the best ice cream. So far it's a tie across the board. I've never met an ice cream I purchased that I didn't like.
Even in 30 degree Seattle weather I still opted for ice cream.

I visited Frankie & Jo's after a long day of walking around and exploring. I was lucky enough to have dodged the rain + snow.
I visited the Capitol Hill location, the flagship store, on East Union Street.
The shop wasn't crowed and everyone was so sweet! I sampled a few flavors and finally decided on my 2 favorites.
What I ordered:
- Beet Strawberry Rose (One of the everyday sorbet flavors.)
- California Cabin (One of the everyday menu flavors.)
This combination was so random but was magically delicious together.

Definitely my kind of sweet flavors. As I get older, I can't tolerate sweet things like I used to. I'd like to think of this as grown and sexy ice cream; it's a mature (pronounce muh-tour) ice cream shop.
I typically hate beets, but the rose water + strawberries balanced it out. Although I didn't taste the salt, I know from baking that salt enhances sweet flavors when in combination (sprinkle a delicate amount of salt on your chocolate chip cookies the next time you bake. Thank me later.).
California cabin made me want to plan a girls cabin trip where I order everyone their own pint. Definitely reminds me of the holiday season! As the name suggests, it has a very smoky flavor. Think: Smoky airplane (Delta) cookies in vanilla ice cream.
Immediately after I finished eating I :
- Texted my oldest sister who is also a lover of all things Ice cream.
- Wanted more.
- Wanted to know how I can transport multiple tubs of this ice cream + sorbet back to Georgia.
Overall, visiting Frankie & Jo's again is at the top of my to-do list for when I go back to Seattle. I've even considered ordering a few pints online, it's that good.
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