30ish Before 30

June 9, 2018

I'm officially caught up on blog posts. So you know what that means:

I just like suspense.  It doesn't mean anything because I can type whatever I want, whenever I want.
I had a post sitting as a draft for 2 months and just posted it this week.

Image result for shrug gif

As usual, I digress!

This post is solely for accountability purposes. If I'm really about that life, I'll try to knock this out quickly (in less than 5 years). This isn't necessarily going to be things I've never done. Maybe things that scare me. Maybe things I wouldn't normally try. Maybe things I need to do for closure. Maybe this will inspire you to do the same. I'll tweak it as time goes on. This is just the rough draft.

Update: Once again, as usual, I got carried away. This is more than 30 but that's ok!

  1. Take a trip to Greece
  2. Take a Trip to Dubai
  3. Pay off student loans.
  4. Complete 1 year of travel nursing.
  5. Take one last trip to Hickory,NC.
  6. Go Skydiving (iFly falls into this category).
  7. Go to a blogger Summit.
  8. Attend the Veuve Cliquot Polo Classic.
  9. Run a Half Marathon.
  10. Go to Vegas.
  11. Pick up piano lessons consistently.
  12. Find or Invest in a lucrative side-hustle.
  13. Become fluent in Igbo - read as, "actually be able to respond during a conversation and not just eavesdrop or respond in English."
  14. Go to a music festival.
  15. Go on a girls trip. 
  16. Go to France.
  17. Do a European tour.
  18. Buy stocks.
  19. Complete a major service project.
  20. Visit a winery.
  21. Take a cooking class at Sur La Table.
  22. Learn Spanish.
  23. Go to Disney
  24. Grow my Youtube channel to 100k
  25. Live a minimalist life.
  26. Get a Fish Pedicure.
  27. Get a toxin Pedicure.
  28. Become a mentor.
  29. Take a cross-country road trip.
  30. Go to a Falcon's game... well, attend any NFL game.
  31. Go parasailing.
  32. Girls cabin trip.
  33. Go on a 7 day multi-country cruise.
  34. Master making apple pie from scratch.
  35. Do 10 random acts of kindness.
  36. Plan a blogger event.
  37. Host a dinner party.

I'll re-post updated versions as I'm completing things on the list.

As a wise man once said, Ahhhh here it goes!"
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