Seattle Museum of Pop Culture

December 3, 2018

Another highlight of my Seattle trip! I honestly thought I lost the memory card containing all these pictures so that's why it took so long to post this.

The day I visited this museum I spent the majority of the day here.  I always say that the best museums are where you can get lost and spend hours upon hours, really taking your time to look at everything and enjoy.

The main floor is where all the action is at: Superbowl, David Bowie, and Jimi Hendrix exhibits.

On the main floor there was also a giant screen playing Thriller and other music videos. It was pretty cool because people stopped what they were doing and gathered round to watch and dance + sing. 

 There was also a video game room that had just about every video game system you can think of and even ones you've never heard of. This was DOPE! This caught me by surprise in the best way possible. The lines were a bit long so I walked around, played what was open and moved on. If anything, go there for this. Go alone, make it a date night, I promise it'll be fun!

Upstairs was the Jim Henson exhibit. I'm pretty sure I was one of the only people there without a child but it was nice to revisit parts of my childhood.

Downstairs  contained a "haunted" portion and a large number of original movie memorabilia. I was so hype to recognize things from movies I've seen.

Ticket price: $28 for adults

Bonus: Student discount to this museum and the space needle! ($25)


Why am I not in Seattle right now?

Jimi Hendrix's passport

My guy Kermit, the OG, minding his business and sipping tea.

Original Jim Henson sketches.

Burt and Ernie originals!

Jimi Hendrix's diary.
"Wow - I'm stone as hell in this hotel room with Mitch in Cincinnati the gig? oh yeah. Groovy..."

Pete Carroll's game day notes.

Superbowl game ball, trophy and ring.

Live long and prosper!

Putting on my own puppet show!

The suit of a zombie from Thriller!


Dorothy's dress from Wizard of Oz.

Freddy's signature sweater and fedora.

Michael Myers' mask.

The 5th Element!

Darth Vader and Darth Maul's light sabers!

The axe Jack nicholson used in "The Shining"

The closest I got to the space needle.

Obligatory picture "touching" the space needle.

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